Datengarten 79

Towards P2P Online Voting Protocols

While online services emerge in all areas of life, the voting procedure in many democracies remains paper-based as the security of current online voting technology is highly disputed. We address the issue of trustworthy online voting protocols and recall therefore their security concepts with their trust assumptions. Inspired by the Bitcoin protocol, the prospects of distributed online voting protocols are analysed. No trusted authority is assumed to ensure ballot secrecy. Further, the integrity of the voting is enforced by all voters themselves and without a weakest link, the protocol becomes more robust. [Read More]

Datengarten 78


OpenMTTP is a regulator designed for the Freifunk Mast project, which is used in refugee relief projects and other projects that require ad-hoc infrastructure. Elektra will present her design for energy-autonomous routers.

Datengarten 77

Calculate your Bus Factor - a practical introduction to GNU R

The strength of open source comes from the community, but what would happen if some of it were to go missing? This talk will show you one way of measuring the sustainability of the projects you love (and perhaps depend upon). We’ll get our data from git commit logs and analyse it using GNU-R, the statistical language and computing environment.

Datengarten 76

Screening in Drug Design

Bernd arbeitet am Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) und ist verantwortlich für das Design von Datenbanken chemischer Strukturen in der Arbeitsgruppe Computational Chemistry/Drug Design.

Im Drug Design wird versucht neue Wirkstoffe zu finden oder bekannte Strukturen zu optimieren. Eine der Rechen aufwändigsten Strategien ist das Screening bzw. virtuelle Screening.

Bernd wird nach einem allgemeinen Überblick genauer auf das Screening und virtuelle Screening eingehen.

Datengarten 75

Structural Patterns in the Rise of Germany’s New Right on Facebook

In recent years, Germany has experienced a massive rise in popularity of the so-called ‘New Right’, both in the form of political parties ("Alternative für Deutschland") as well as in non-parliamentary movements (e.g., "Pegida", "Nein zum Heim"). A major success factor of this New Right seems to be their social media activities, especially their usage of Facebook. In this talk, we present our findings from two research papers that analyze structural patterns in the activities of more than one million users on the Facebook pages of the major German political parties, as well as more than 200 thousand users on rightwing "Nein zum Heim" protest pages. [Read More]

Datengarten 74

Bitcoin: Privacy and Censorship Resistance Beyond the Web

In much of the western world, governments have developed the ability to prevent individuals or organizations from accessing financial services, with little or no court oversight or ability of those being marginalized to challenge the rulings. Under the guise of “terrorism” and "protecting reputations", individuals and organizations, from porn stars, to advocates for those illegally detained in Guantanamo Bay have found themselves unable to hold bank accounts, unable to accept payments online, or even had their funds seized without warning by both private and government actions. [Read More]

Datengarten 73

Hacking with Care - Tactical and ethical care for all

We see everyday members of our communities -especially ones under high pressure- go burn-out, depressed, or worse. Caring about ourselves and others is a cultural and strategic blind spot for those, like us, who were born "in" a computer… At the other end of the spectrum, caregivers lack the understanding of technological realities that would be necessary to meaningfully reach and get in contact with us (OpSec and crypto among others). [Read More]

Datengarten 72

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are 10 minute talks about anything. Well, anything that won’t make other people want to throw you out. But still, it can be about anything that you really have to tell everybody else. An idea you have, a problem you cannot solve, your favourite tool or just about anything you think everybody else should have heard about (i.e. the awesome talk you will be giving soon)! It’s really up to you! [Read More]

Datengarten 71

Bitcoin - Die Technik und ihre Ökologische Auswirkung

jaseg wird euch einen Überblick über die technischen Grundlagen von Bitcoin geben und ein paar wichtige Eigenschaften des Systems erläutern. Abschliessend wird er versuchen, so gut es geht die Energieeffizienz des Systems zu betrachten und mit einem Überblick über alternative Systeme abschliessen.

Datengarten 70

xwing (Drohnenprojekt)

Einfache und preiswerte Flugzeug-Drohnen mit über 100km Reichweite suchen vollautomatisch mit Infrarotkameras nach Schiffbrüchigen und melden Sichtungen an Rettungsteams.

Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Thematik wird das Projekt erklärt und verschiedene Einsatzszenarien vorgestellt.