Datengarten 93

Running Android on the Mainline Graphics Stack

Privatization, gentrification and displacement have become common urban topics – affordable housing is an increasingly scarce resource. A large number of experts from different fields are working on this topic – today, we’d like to present an intersection between urban planning, architecture, open source software and 3-D printing which seems to present an alternative to the standard privatized housing market. Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse is a landscape architect and urban geographer working on affordable housing and urban commons. She will present the dilemma of affordable housing in growing urban centers, and discuss new housing typologies and organization structures (tiny houses, commons, cooperatives) which present alternatives to the standard housing market. Jens Meisner is an artist concentrating on 3-D printing. He will present a variety of examples of 3-D printed houses/housing concepts which are currently being developed. His portion of the talk will cover a variety of topics, including:

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Datengarten 94

Copying WhatsApp the right way

In den fünf Jahren seines Bestehens setzt der Android Jabber/XMPP client immer wieder Maßstäbe in Sachen Bedienbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit. Doch was steckt eigentlich dahinter? Nutzen wir die Gelegenheit um mit dem Entwickler zusammen hinter die Kulissen eines neuen Features zu schauen; Wie tief muss man in die XMPP Trickkiste greifen und wo steht sich XMPP manchmal selber im Weg? Nach der Vorstellung des Features (der Vortrag ist gleichzeitig der Zeitpunkt an dem die neue Version veröffentlicht wird) geht es jedoch nicht nur um XMPP sondern auch um grundsätzliche, architektonische Fragen die sich potentiell auf andere Instant Messaging Dienste übertragen lassen.

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Datengarten 92

Open Source Housing? 3D printing, open source, tiny houses & the commons

Privatization, gentrification and displacement have become common urban topics – affordable housing is an increasingly scarce resource. A large number of experts from different fields are working on this topic – today, we’d like to present an intersection between urban planning, architecture, open source software and 3-D printing which seems to present an alternative to the standard privatized housing market. Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse is a landscape architect and urban geographer working on affordable housing and urban commons. She will present the dilemma of affordable housing in growing urban centers, and discuss new housing typologies and organization structures (tiny houses, commons, cooperatives) which present alternatives to the standard housing market. Jens Meisner is an artist concentrating on 3-D printing. He will present a variety of examples of 3-D printed houses/housing concepts which are currently being developed. His portion of the talk will cover a variety of topics, including:

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