On Monday 27th I posted a small report about the ICANN board retreat that I just had joined on the weekend May 25th - 26th

in Garden City, Long Island, New York, the United States. This was nothing but following my understanding of transparency a

nd also about my role of informing the at-large about some movements in the board and coorporation that need to known for

properly enabling user participating. As mentioned in my small report below, the meeting was quiete constructive with very

open discussions.


After a few hours of posting I got several complains, starting with non-board members (Joe Sims), agreed by the CEO und also

by 3 of those other directors 4 who had clearly expressed to not to by in favour with any at-large elections under what circumstances.

The complains where coming with a variety of complaints why I shouldn´t have written anything about the retreat´s result.


I also got a clear advise from Mr. Christopher Wilkinson that his document "ICANN II issues to be resolved" was

"is an internal paper and is copyright to [him]". He requested my to not scan and post that paper, explaining that "It would

not behelpful at this stage" and the he does not authorise copying and publication of it.

So I wanted to wait a few days for my fellow board colleauges and other to calm down before publishing the material.

If you agree to mention, that the majority of comments on the page I prepared with the photos are satiric, here is the pictures-page.






just a few notices from my flight from jfk, coming from the board retreat near NYC in garden city, long island.


Disclaimer: nothing officially has been decided, this is a list of my notes of informal discussions.


The retreat in a way was making sense because of it was an open discussion about what "icann II" should be, what the

outcome of the process be etc. We had a less confrontative, quiete constructive discussion, just interrupted by more or

less a few struggles.


But (just the most important points):


- no atlarge election of directors to be expected


for "technical" reasons (don´t know how) the majority of the board agreed to not make any direct elections

with this year. on the direct questions, if any directors would say "no direct at-large-elections under no

circumstances whatsoever" 5 directors outed themself: stuart (lynn), vint (cerf), hans (kraijenbrink), rob (blokzijl),

helmut (schink)


- the majority of the board agreed to the idee of a nomination committee (s)electing board members. status of the

discussion is to keep 18 board members + ceo (to be discussed if allowed to vote) and some rought guidelines

for setting up the nomination committee (including seats for advisory committees in the nomcom, that

means gov´s included). but on the other hand side the board agreed to the fact, that the empowering/selection

of board members by governments is not an realistic approach (at least for now)


- some important questions like the jurisdiction of the organization and the involvement of staff following or

developing policys where raised but not answered. this means: we should watch the limit of the acting people

even those acting with best attitutes..


- in the discussion about the principles of the corporation it was accepted that the outcome must be a balance

of interests when making policy. freedom of speech was at least accepted by a majority to possibly be

affected when following intellectual property ideas. so i do think, there is chances to involve NGO´s acting

in the area of freedom of speech in a "freedom of speech constituency" or however to put something on the other

side of the intellectual property people


- this means: setting up of the nomcom is the critical issue now. taking balance of interests as the goal,

identifying all actors in the game and their interests and impacts on the game is the job for the NGO community

in my eyes.


And (watch out what comes next before calling it good news):


- Stuart Lynn announced to retire in March of 2003


- Joe Sims as Jones & Days announced to step out of acting for ICANN soon. He did not mention a precise

date/time when, questioned by Vint said something like "in the next month or similar to Stuarts retirement"


- Andrew McLaughlin announced to be changing his involvement to half time by 1st of July


More stuff:


- Rob came with an official (?!) paper from the european commission (gordon.lennox@cec.eu.int) from May 21st.

I will scan this and put on my website tuesday night CET as well as:


- "ICANN II - Issues to be resolved" paper from Christopher Wilkinson, May 2002


- CENTR paper "ccTLD Requierements for International Coordination of the Domain Name System) from

Marianne Wolfsgruber, gm@centr.org worth reading (online?)


Materials and some pictures to be on my site tuesday night when coming back to berlin.


